Stratlab Specialized Supplier in the field of laboratories chemicals and distribute a wide range of lab products
Products include:
- chromatography vials
- gas generators
- HPLC columns
- UV/HPLC and hollow cathode lamps
You are probably aware that Grant offers a market leading 3 year warranty on standard Grant scientific products.
You might not be aware that we also offer a 1 or 2 year additional warranty taking the total warranty to 4 or 5 years!
Over the past year we have seen increasing enquiries regarding extended warranties from end-users. The reason stated is loss of customer’s in-house service departments and the need to extend the product working life due to budget or funding cuts.
- With up to 5 years warranty, customers can enjoy peace of mind that their Grant scientific product will give 5 years of trouble free service for a small additional fee.
- Differentiation – very few suppliers of scientific equipment can offer this level of product support.
Up to 5 years extended warranty is an excellent tool for deal negotiation.
Visit website here.